A two-phase flow displacement model was developed to describe the leakage process of CO2 and the quantitative functional relationship between the CO2 leakage factors and the leakage characteristics was also developed by numerical simulation and numerical analysis. A preliminary comprehensive evaluation method was introduced, which provides a new way for the evaluation of CO2 leakage risk. The study showed that the stability leakage rate of CO2 along the fault zone had the logarithmic relationship with the reciprocal of the distance between the fault and the injection welU a logarithmic relationship with the dip angle of the fault, the parabola relationship with the width of the fault, and the power function relationship with the permeability of the fault, and linear relationship with the CO2 injection rate and injection depth. Through comprehensive analysis, the influence of the width of the fault fracture zone and fault permeability was determined to be the most significant, which showed that the two factors had a great influence on the leakage of CO2 . In addition, the effect of CO2 injection rate on the leakage rate was strong, while the influence of the distance between the fault and the injection well was relatively small.