2009年利用植株枚订移植法在我国北方典型澙湖——山东荣成天鹅湖逐月进行大叶藻(Zostera marina)植株移植,并于当年逐月对移植植株的存活率、定居时间和生长进行监测,分析该方法在我国北方澙湖的有效性和适宜性。结果显示:(1)4–6月移植植株的存活率为76.5%–90.4%,其中4月移植植株的存活率最低,7–9月移植植株的存活率达到100%;(2)6–9月移植植株的定居时间均为1个月,5月移植植株的定居时间为2个月,而4月移植植株的定居时间长达4个月;(3)除个别监测月份外,移植植株的叶长和叶鞘长均显著小于天然植株,而茎节直径和根长均与天然植株无明显差异;(4)我国北方澙湖较适宜大叶藻植株移植的区域为海水透明度高、水深不超过1 m的潮下带,且底质为泥含量较高的泥砂底质海区,9月份是适宜的移植时间。
Aims Zostera marina populations in northern China are rapidly declining due to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Efforts to prevent further losses and restore disturbed Z. marina habitats through transplanting are desirable. In this study, a transplanting experiment was conducted using the staple method in Swan Lake, which is a typical lagoon in the Rongcheng region of Shandong Peninsula, China. The objectives of this research are to: 1) investigate the plant response in terms of survivorship, morphology, and growth; 2) assess the establishment suc- cess of transplants; and 3) analyze the suitability of applying staple method in northern China. Methods Ninety planting units (PUs, 3 shoots/PU) with 4-6 leaves and about 10 cm rhizome on each shoot were monthly transplanted using the staple method in the subtidal zone of Swan Lake (water depth 0.5 m) from April to September 2009. Ten replicated plots of 50 cm ~ 50 cm were set up and nine PUs were randomly planted in each plot. Survival rate was calculated as the percentage of PUs that survived. Shoot morphology and individual shoot biomass of transplants and reference plants in the donor bed were monthly monitored from May to December 2009. Important findings Survival rate of transplants planted during spring (April, May, and June) ranged from 76.5% to 90.4% with the minimum value in April; whereas the survival rate of transplants planted during summer (July, August, and September) was 100%. The time required for the establishment of transplants was on average 1.0 month when planted from June to September, 2.0 months when planted in May, and 4.0 months when planted in April. With exception of some monitoring months, the leaf length and sheath length of transplants were signifi- cantly lower than those of reference plants; whereas no significant differences were found in rhizome diameter and root length between transplants and reference plants. Habitat suitability analysis showed that transplanting site should be chosen in shallow s