对湖南、广西、安徽早中侏罗世五种鞘翅目化石进行修正研究。其中产自湖南浏阳文家市下侏罗统造上组的Artinama qinghuoensis(清和新鞘甲)原被归入棘鞘甲科,通过对化石构造的重新研究,认为它可能是叩甲化石,代表了世界上叩甲化石最早记录之一。广西钟山中侏罗统石梯组的Mercata festira(华商甲)曾被归入葬甲科,经重新观察认为它可能属于早期的树叩甲科代表。而同地区发现的另一块被归入葬甲科的标本Gripecolousenallus(异渔人甲)实际应为叩甲化石。对叩甲化石Archaeolus funestus(僵古叩头虫)进行修正研究,通过新构造的发现认为它属于原槽缝叩甲亚科。另外,对安徽含山中侏罗统含山组Mesagyrtes lintouensis(林头中生贫甲)进行重新观察,现有特征并不能放入Mesagyrtes,因为其缺乏前足基节连接,中胸腹板前缘具凹陷和腹部六节等重要特征,认为它并非葬甲科种类,而可能属于叩甲科。通过对华南中生代中期部分鞘翅目化石的修正研究,在很大程度上丰富了叩甲总科演化早期的古地理分布,并加深了对它们早期系统发生的了解。
Five fossil beetles originally described from the Early-Middle Jurassic of Hunan,Guangxi and Anhui of southern China are revised here.Artinama qinghuoensis from the Lower Jurassic of Wenjia City,Hunan Province is reassigned from Acanthocuemidae to the family Elateridae,and represents the oldest record for this family from China.Mercata festira from the Shiti Formation of Zhongshan City,Guangxi formerly placed in Silphidae,is re-interpreted to be an early member of the family Cerophytidae,whereas Gripecolous enallus,previously described as a member of the family Silphidae from the same deposit,is here proposed to be a click beetle.The click beetle Archaeolus funestus is also revised.Mesagyrtes lintouensis from the Middle Jurassic Hanshan Formation of Anhui Province probably belongs to the family Elateridae.Our revisions greatly broaden knowledge of the early distribution of the superfamily Elateroidea.