中国气象局S2S(Sub-seasonal to Seasonal)数据归档中心建设是中国气象局承担世界气象组织(WMO)的世界天气研究计划(WWRP)和世界气候研究计划(WCRP)任务,由国家气象信息中心负责设计和实现。该文介绍了S2S数据归档中心建设中涉及的数据交换、数据检查及处理、数据归档存储及数据服务门户全流程系统设计和实现。针对各业务中心生产的S2S数据配置差异较大造成数据交换、同步较难这一问题,采用基于FTP(file transfer protocol)的数据推送和基于ECMWF(European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts)WebAPI主动数据下载相结合的方式,说明数据交换、同步方法和策略。由于S2S数据量巨大难以高效管理服务,已设计统一的数据组织形式和存储规则,实现根据数据检索条件解析获取数据存储位置,提供便捷的数据检索下载服务。自2015年11月15日中国气象局S2S数据门户系统对外开放,目前数据门户系统已有超过18个国家的300个用户注册并下载数据。
S2S, sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project, is a WWRP/THORPEX-WCRP joint research project established to improve forecast skill and understanding on the sub-seasonal to seasonal time scale, and promote its uptake by operational centers and exploitation by the applications community. To achieve many of these goals, the establishment of an extensive data base of sub-seasonal (up to 60 days) forecasts and reforecasts (sometimes known as hindcasts) is advocated. Managing an extensive data base for the sub-seasonal time scale is a challenging task for the diverse characteristic of these forecasts (e. g. , start dates, length of the forecasts, average periods, and updating frequency of forecasts). Open access to forecast data and user interface friendly data bases are important requirements for construction of S2S archiving data. CMA, one of two S2S data archive centers, is responsible for collecting S2S data from all data providers, performing basic quality check, archiving and storing data, and providing data service. The traditional FTP and a simple data downloading program based on ECMWF WebAPI is used to collecting data provided by all eleven S2S data centers. The data synchronization with another archive center of ECMWF is implemented by applying the combination strategies of common routine data transfer through FTP, ECMWF WebAPI based data download for missing reforecast data, and transferring missing real-time data copied from tapes directly by MARS system command. The file of compressed format TAR and GRIB2 is checked by executing command of tar and grib_get and its return value. A program based on the tigge_check command provided by GRIB_API is also developed to check the attribute of GRIB2 data, since all S2S data are saved as GRIB2 format. Through using GRIB_API command of grib_ filter and designing a unified data form organized by a single center, a single date and a single meteorological parameter field, the unified S2S data are created to store in the online storage system which makes