加密文件系统是保护用户敏感数据的一种有效手段,传统的加密文件系统对用户数据的保护并不是非常可靠且存在被篡改的可能性。文章基于可信计算平台和Linux 2.6内核设计,实现了一个堆栈式加密文件系统TEFS(Trusted Computing-based Encrypted file system),该加密文件系统利用可信计算技术为其提供底层安全支撑,并结合可信计算平台中安全增强的操作系统定制、实施安全策略,进一步提高了其安全性。
Encrypted filesystem is an effective method to protect sensitive data. Protecting sensitive data through traditional encrypted filesystem isn't reliable, and can be tampered, so based on TCP and the core of Linux2.6, a stackable encrypted filesystem TEFS is designed and implemented, which enhances its security by the Trusted computing technology, and improves its security by implementing policy through SELinux in TCP.