随着开源软件的广泛应用,开源软件的开发者和使用者迫切需要一个质量评估模型来改善开源软件的开发过程,提高开源软件的质量保证。基于欧盟第六框架重大项目开源软件质量保障平台(QualiPSo)提出的开源软件成熟度模型(opensource maturity model,OMM),设计开发了一个软件过程自动评估原型系统,实验结果证明了该系统的可行性和有效性。
With the development of the FLOSS( free/libre/open source software) ,it’s essential for the FLOSS developer and user to use the quality assessment model to improve the development and assure the quality of the open source software. Based on the opensource maturity model( OMM) sponsored by the QualiPSo project for the FLOSS quality,this paper designed and implemented an automatic assessment prototype system for the FLOSS development,and the experiment had been done in order to verify the feasibility and validity of the OMM.