首次报道丽[虫齿]科Calopsocidae在中国及越南的分布,并记述该科1中国及越南新记录种:背突丽[虫齿]Calopsocus infelix(Hagen)。该种头橘红色,胸部黄褐色,腹部紫色。翅宽,微革质,两面均布满毛。雌虫生殖突发达,外瓣具刚毛。
Aspecies in the bark lice family Calopsocidae is recorded from China and Vietnam for the first time. Anewly recorded species of the genus Calopsocus Hagen, 1866, Calopsocus infelix, is described. Calopsocus infelix has an orange head, yellowish brown thorax, and purple abdomen. Wings are broad, dark, slightly leathery, and densely setose. Female genitalia are complete, with a setose external valve.