Using SRAP molecular method, relationship of 10 pepper germplasm of different fruit color and shape was studied. The results indicated that 22 primer combinations could amplified 330 bands with polymorphism rate of 52.88%. The dissimilarity coefficient of ten germplasm was from 0.205 to 0. 5429 ,when genetic distance was 0. 3959, germplasm above could be classified into 3 gourps, and the first group included 6 germplasm of 9007, 9024,8022,9006V1, HT, JO - Ⅰ ; the second group included 3 germplasm of 9036Ⅰ, SS - Ⅰ; 9049 Ⅱ and 7036 was belonging to the third group, while the classification results were not fully corresponding to the classification by fruit shape.