To improve the efficiency and the result quality of the hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) algorithm, its dynamic analysis was conducted and the problem that how a merge influences the subsequent merges was stud- ied, with the conclusions below : merging two clusters generates a new cluster, and reduces the number of neighbors of the shared neighbors of the two clusters; The new cluster and those clusters whose number of neighbors are de- creased will be involved in the subsequent merges, and the efficiency will be influenced; A merge changes the val- ue of the criterion function over the involved clusters and their candidate neighbors, and thus influences the quality of the subsequent merges. Based on the above analyses and the definition of modularity, existing criterion func- tions' influence on agglomeration and their limitations were investigated, and two new criterion functions were de- signed. The results of the experiments conducted based on many datasets show that the new criterion functions can improve the efficiency and the result quality of the HAC algorithm.