根据船级社规范要求,提出了一种分析平台DP系统(Dynamic Positioning System)定位能力的静态方法——逐级增加力偶法。该方法把推进器推力大小和方向优化问题,转化为在推进器位置处增加力偶的问题,经过转化优化变量减少了一半。同时该方法可以准确考虑推进器在各个方向上受海流、船体和附近其他推进器对其有效推力的影响,以及能够考虑推进器限位角的影响。基于Matlab软件,运用逐级增加力偶法开发一平台DP定位能力分析界面。该界面即可以在给定环境条件下分析平台在各个方向上定位所需要的推进器最小总功率;还可以在给定推进器最大功率下模拟平台在各个方向上能够抵抗最大环境条件载荷力。逐级增加力偶法和开发的界面在海洋石油982平台的基本设计过程中已得到实际应用,分析的DP定位能力结果和撰写的分析报告得到了DNV与CCS船级社的认可。进而验证了逐级增加力偶法的准确性和界面的可行性。
According to the classification rules, a method of gradually increasing the couple of the dynamic positioning system (DP) is proposed. Optimization of the thruster force can be translated into the optimization of the increased couples at the place of the thruster. Based on the software Matlab, an interface has been developed, on which the minimum of total power of the thrusters in the specified environmental condition can be calculated. The proposed method and the developed interface are applied in the basic design process of HYSY982 platform. The report on the DP system has been approved by DNV and CCS.