The CO2 corrosion is widely found in oil and gas industries, and has been a research topic for a long time. In the CO2 eorrosion proeess, the eorrosion product seale will be formed on the steel surfaee, providing protection for the steel or ehanging its morphology and meehanieal properties. The formation and growth of COz eorrosion product seale are affeeted by several faetors, sueh as temperature, CO2 partial pressure, pH value and flow rate of the solution and others. In this paper, the formation and growth of CO2 eorrosion produet scale on X65 steel at a flow condition are studied using EIS teehniques. Results show that the eorrosion produet seale eould observably reduce the corrosion rate, whieh decreases with increasing temperature from 65℃,75℃ to 90℃ while increases from 90℃ to 115℃. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) curve includes capacitive loop in high- frequency, and both inductive and capacitive loops in low-frequency. The inductive loop in low-frequency is due to activation dissolution of the specimen surface, while the capacitive loop in low-frequency is related with corrosion product scale formation on the specimen surface. EIS of CO2 corrosion product scales change with increasing temperature.