为了研究大气偏振模式的实际变化规律,在分析了偏振测量装置发展现状的基础上,设计了全天域大气偏振模式实时测量系统,实现了单个主光路下,三路通道不同偏振方向的同时成像。通过光路仿真,优化并搭建了硬件装置,开展了误差分析和标定实验,提高了偏振测量精度,其中,系统线偏振度测量误差小于1.6%,偏振角测量误差小于±0.32°。在此基础上,开展了外场实验,结果表明,在晴朗少云的气象条件下,不同波段下的大气偏振模式分布与Rayleigh模型的差异值,也有着显著区别,其中,520 nm下的分布与Rayleigh模型最接近。
For researching the pattern of skylight polarization, a real-time measurement system which can capture images of different polarization direction at the same time was designed based on the analysis of existing measurement systems. Based on system light path simulation, the equipment was built and optimized. The error analysis and calibration was made for the equipment and the measuring accuracy was improved. The error of linear polarization degree is less than 1.6%, and error of polarization angle is less than ±0.32°. Outdoor experiments were carried out after calibration. In different bands, the results between the pattern of skylight polarization and Rayleigh model are significantly different. In 520 nm band, the data is close to Rayleigh model’s result.