The tree-ring chronologies of the 629a were developed based on cores sampled in Zhiduo County(33°43'N, 96°17'E) ,southern Qinghai Plateau. Since the sites are situated in the cold region with high elevation from 3900m to 4500m,the stand condition is poor,the tree growth is slow,and the canopy coverage is generally low,the forest there is dominated by Sabina przewalskii Kom. So trees are affected little by human activities,which can reflect the change of environment. The paper analyzed the relationship between the chronology and the air temperature, precipitation, surface heating field intensity with correlation method, and reconstructed the historical series of the surface heating field intensity of the Tibetan Plateau. Through further analysis of the sequence reconstruction obtained that : the rebuilt sequence to some extent reflects the history changes of surface heating field intensity of Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that : ( 1 ) A significant positive relationship was found between the anomaly index of surface heating field intensity in the Tibetan Plateau and the ring width. It could be seen that radial growth was negative correlated with surface heating field intensity because of the high surface heat and big soil evaporation, and vise versa. Based on the relation of the high surface heat and tree growth, it reconstructed the historical variables sequence. To test the stability the construction equation, the cross-examination method performed. The sign test of original series, the sign test of the first-order difference series, the sign of average value of product and the reduction of error were calculated. Those results indicated that the regression equation of surface heating field were stable, reliable and typical of this region. (2)The index of surface heating field intensity showed that there existed ten significant cycles of 63.2a,52. 7a, 45. la,39. 5a,35. la,31.6a,3, la,2. 6a,2. 5a,2.2a at 0. 05 confidence level. There were 15 years and 7 years strong periods of surface h