在左家地区大型真菌资源调查Ⅰ、Ⅱ报的基础上,继续报道该地区大型真菌40科65属104种,绝大多数是具有较高利用价值的食用或药用真菌。其中毡毛小脆柄菇Psathyrella velutina(Pers.:Fr.)Sing.和粪缘钩刺盘菌Cheilymenia coprinaria(Cooke)Boud.为吉林省新记录种。
Based on the investigation of macrofungal resources in Zuojia region of Jilin province(Ⅰ) and ( Ⅱ ), the paper reported 40 families,65 genera and 104 species of the macrofungi in the region.The majority of them are edible and medicinal fungi, anlong which, Psathyrella velutina (Pers. : Fr. ) Sing. and Cheilymenia coprinaria (Cooke) Boud. are new to Jilin province.