When a ground fault occurs in a substation, the short-circuit current entering the grounding grid will cause a series of problems. Due to the energy storage elements in power system, a transient process at the beginning of fault cur- rent will have a high peak and may cause a bigger threaten to the safety of human beings and equipment in substation. Therefore, we measured the fault current of an artificial single-phase ground fault in a substation, and compared the resuits with simulation. Both the measurement and simulation verify that a transient process exists at the beginning of the fault current, has a high peak, and lasts for a certain time. The simulation can be used to analyze the transient characteristics of the fault current in substation, and provides useful results for engineering practice. Moreover, according to our calculation, we analyzed some main influential factors and rules for transient process of the short-circuit current. The results reveal that the transient process is more serious and has a bigger attenuation coefficient when the short-circuit phase is near 90° or 270°, the grounding resistance of the substation is small, or there are only a few incoming lines.