Predator chemical cues are chemical signals released by predators that inform potential prey of the presence of predators. Predator cues allow prey to detect and evade predators from a distance. In aquatic ecosystem, predator chemical cues have been shown to play an important role in information transmission and evolutionary race between prey and predator. The effect of predator cues on aquatic organisms has received increased attention recently. This paper summarized the current understanding on the nature of predator chemical cues and the ecological effects of predator chemical cues on the behavior, morphology, and life-history of aquatic organisms. Recent work on the effects of predator cues on disturbing the toxicity of contaminants was also reviewed. Predator chemical cues origin from the skin exudates, faeces, or injured tissue of predators. It was sometimes eontiased with conspecific cues since eonspecific cues could induce similar responses. Studies examining the effects of predator cues often used predator conditioned water as the sources of predator chemical cues. Although knowledge about the chemical nature of predator chemical cues is still scarce, considerable advances have been made, especially for the identification of cues inducing anti-predator defenses in ciliates and cues originated from fishes. Itwas found that the effects of predator cues are associated with predator species, predator's diet, concentration of cues, and many other factors. The identification and isolation of predator cues is an important step towards understanding the nature and ecological effects of predator cues. Numerous studies have shown that predator-released chemical cues could induce behavioral, morphological and life-historical anti-predator responses in preys. Behavioral responses to predator cues include avoidance of the area where cues is detected, decreased activity levels or freezing, and increased use of shelter. Behavioral responses of prey to predator cues have been found in cladocerans, gastropods, fishes,