城市休闲化是后工业化时代城市发展的-种形态, 与城市经济发展水平密切相关.文章利用2009-2012 年中国36 个城市的数据, 在对中国城市休闲化发展水平进行测度的基础上, 运用变异系数和泰尔指数对城市休闲化水平区域差异展开分析.结果表明 中国城市休闲化水平整体上处于中低阶段, 均衡化发展态势显现; 东、中、西三大区域城市休闲化进程快慢不-, 差距较大; 城市内部与休闲化发展相关的公共基础、居民消费、产业发展和特色资源等要素对城市休闲化发展具有不同程度的影响; 中部地区城市休闲化水平差异相对较小.
Being leisure-oriented is a form of urban development in the post-industrial era, which is closely related to the level of urban economicdevelopment. Using data from 36 cities in 2009-2012 in China, this article measured the leisure-oriented levels of Chinese urban areas, and em-ploying coefficient of variation and Theil index, it also analyzed the regional differences. The results show that: first, the overall leisure-orientedlevel is at a mid-lower stage, and balanced development trend is emerging; second, in the west, the middle and the east of China, the processesof the leisure-oriented urban area development are different and the gaps are huge; third, there are varying degrees of influence on the leisure-ori-ented development in terms of public infrastructure, residents' consumption, leisure industry and characteristics resources; fourth, in the centralChina, the differences on the leisure-oriented development among cities and urban areas are relatively small.