The study investigated the N concentrations and δ^15N values in 175 epilithic mosses collected along four directions from urban sites to rural sites in Guiyang. Mosses δ^15N showed that atmospheric N deposition was dominated by ammonium (NH,), which was mainly derived from city sewage NH3 release and agricultural NH3 in rural area. Away from city center, mosses N concentrations decreased exponentially with distance, while δ^15N values showed a significant logarithmic increase with distance. These evidences revealed that the deposition of city NH, declined exponentially with distance, which was consistent with the pattern of NH, deposition and the variation of mosses N concentrations around point NH3 sources, thus the urban area could be seen as a point NH3 source within the whole studying area. Different varying gradients of mosses N concentrations and δ^15N were observed for different directions, indicating the diffusion and transport of city NH, was not equipotent around the urban area, which was mainly related to local factors such as geographic conditions, vegetation coverage, wind direction and urbanization etc. However, no significant difference was seen for mosses δ^15N at sites beyond 15 km from city center, showing the predominance of non-point agricultural NH3 sources. Moreover, according to limiting calculation, the equation between mosses N concentrationa and distance ( y = 1.5^e-0.13 x + 1.26) indicated that the influence of city NH 2 was generally less than 41 km, and the equation between δ^15N and distance ( y = 2. 541nx - 12.23) showed atmospheric N deposition was dominated by city NH, within 17.2 kln, but was controlled by agricultural NH2 beyond 17.2 km. This study has provided new evidences for city N deposition and was helpful for the development of mosses N concentration and δ^15N from a qualitative technique to a quantitative one in N deposition study.