Huangshandong Ni-Cu sulfide deposit,located in the Huangshan-Jing’erquan ductile shear zone,belongs to the Jueluotage island arc belt of the Eastern Tianshan area,Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Huangshandong mafic-ultramafic pluton,in shape offusiform,intruded in the Late Carboniferous volcanic rocks with intensive foliation near the margin of the pluton which is consistent with the strike of the regional ductile shear zone. Some orebodies in the deposit also show intensive ductile deformation. The No.17 orebody was totally controlled and hosted by the ductile shear zone. The rocks and ores from the No.17 orebody show intensive deformation and alteration and could be called as ore mylonites. Considerable amounts of network and veinlet copper-rich carbonate-sulfide veins can be also observed in this ductile shear zone. In this contribution,detailed microscopy petrography and mineralography observation were carried out on different types of ores from the Huangshandong deposit. Combined with field geological investigation and ore fabric observation,three different types of ores were distinguished,that is,magmatic ores,deformed ores and fluid-overprinted ores. Magmatic ores with sideronitic fabric are barely altered and deformed,and sulfide minerals in it only show some brittle fractures. Deformed ores develop intensive deformation fabric in silicate and sulfide minerals,such as the kink bands,wavy extinction of uralite,domino structure of phlogopite and the elongation of pyrrhotite. Fluid-overprinted ores are characterized by strongly deformation,flattened grains and recrystallization of pyrrhotites,and annealing of pyrrhotites can also be occasionally observed. Intruding of Huangshandong pluton is coeval with ductile deformation and regional ductile shearing. During intruding and cooling of the pluton,intensive regional ductile shearing induced ductile deformation of sulfide ores and then ore mylonites formed. Gangue minerals in the deformed orebodies were crushed to fine-grained minerals and altered. In these