以北京市密云水库上游铁矿区为研究对象,研究了尾矿砂中重金属的含量及形态与粒级分布之间的关系。采集铁尾矿样品5件,使用尼龙筛将其划分为4个粒级组分(〈75、75~180、180~250、〉250μm),使用ICP-OES测定各粒级组分中重金属元素Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ni和Cd元素的含量,并测定Fe元素含量。并用BCR连续提取法和ICP-OES测定各粒级组分中Mn、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ni和Cd元素不同化学形态的含量。重金属总量随粒度分布特征研究表明,同一样品不同粒级组分中重金属总量有很大差异。Mn和Cu元素主要集中在细粒径(〈75μm)和粗粒径(〉250μm)组分中,Pb、Zn和Ni元素在粗粒径组分中含量比较高。各个样品相同的粒级组分中,重金属元素含量从高到低依次为Mn〉Zn〉Cu〉Ni〉Pb〉Cd。重金属形态随粒度分布特征研究表明,Mn、Cu、Pb元素可交换态和Mn、Cu、Zn、Ni元素易还原态主要集中在细粒径和粗粒径组分中,环境危害性大。不同矿区尾矿样品相同粒级组分中,重金属形态分布有很大差别。重金属元素总量与p H值之间进行相关性分析表明,Mn、Cu元素两两之间表现出非常显著的相关性(r〉0.9,P〈0.01),说明这2种元素有相同或相似的来源。Pb、Zn、Cd元素与其它元素相关性很小,说明Pb、Zn、Cd元素与其它元素来源于不同的矿物成分。
The iron-ore area in upper reach of the Miyun Reservoir in Miyun District of Beijing was investigated in regard to heavy metals contained in iron tailings, during which iron ore tailing samples were taken and screened/separated into four groups with different grain sizes. Thereafter, analysis of content of Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd and Fe in each group of grain size fractions (〈75,75-180,180-250, 〉250 txm) was conducted and chemical speciation of heavy metals was analyzed by BCR sequential extraction procedure. The study on the distribution of total heavy metal content with the ore particle size showed that there was a, great difference in the content of heavy metal among each grain-size fractions; the order of heavy metal content from high to low could be expressed as Mn〉 Zn 〉Cu〉Ni〉Pb〉Cd in particle-size fractions of each sample; and as to the distribution of chemical speciation with the particle size, it was showed that the exchangeable fraction content for Mn, Cu and Pb were mainly concentrated in fine grain and coarse grain, as were the reducible fraction content for Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni, which could result in environmental hazards. Furthermore, the analysis of the correlation between the total content of heavy metals and pH value showed that a significant correlation existed between Mn and Cu (r〉0.9,P〈0.01), which indicated they might have the same or similar source, while Pb, Zn and Cd had minimal correlation with other elements, indicating Pb, Zn, Cd likely came from the different mineral compositions.