Characteristic of progressively localized shear failure of squat specimen (such as mine pillar) was modeled numerically by FLAC under the condition of smooth ends in horizontal direction. The failure criterion was a composite Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut-off. Linear elastic and strain-softening post-peak constitutive relations were adopted. Increasing confining pressure acting on the two lateral edges of the pillar leads to ( 1 ) higher peak and residual strength as well as stress drop from the peak to the residual stage; (2) less regular and less symmetrical shear band patterns; (3) a decrease of the number of yielded elements; (4) smaller blocks (separated by shear bands) exhibiting different sizes and shapes; (5) a decrease of the ratio of the thickness of total softening zone surrounding the elastic core to the relative vertical displacement of the pillar and (6) higher horizontal and vertical stresses remaining uniform at the center of the pillar. The pillar subjected to higher confining pressure does not easily lose its stability; however, no obvious precursor to failure is observed prior to the occurrence of instability. Generally, the distributions of the horizontal and vertical stresses have similarity to some extent. Outside shear bands, the higher horizontal and vertical stresses reached contribute the further development of shear bands along their normal and tangential directions. Non-uniformity of the horizontal and vertical stresses stems from the localized failure in the pillar in the form of multiple shear bands.