设计与实现面向领域应用的交互式信息可视化软件十分困难.缺乏统一的开发方法与支撑工具箱,为非专家用户提供对层次、网络、多维等数据类型的统一支持,对各种可视化技术与交互技术的统一支持,以及对信息可视化任务的统一支持.针对此问题,提出了一种模型驱动的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy.首先,提出了交互式信息可视化界面模型IIVM(interactive information visualization interface model);然后,提出了基于IIVM的交互式信息可视化开发方法Daisy,讨论了该方法的两个核心技术:IIVM建模与描述文件生成方法、系统自动生成方法.同时,给出了Daisy工具箱,包括Daisy建模工具、Daisy系统自动生成工具以及运行时框架与组件库.最后,给出了该开发方法与工具箱的应用实例.实例表明,该方法能够为交互式信息可视化开发的统一支撑方法问题提供一种有效的解决方案.
Wide-Spread deployment for interactive information visualization is difficult. Non-Specialist users need a general development method and a toolkit to support the generic data structures suited to tree, network and multi-dimensional data, special visualization techniques and interaction techniques, and well-known generic information tasks. This paper presents a model driven development method for interactive information visualization. First, an interactive information visualization interface model (IIVM) is proposed. Then, the development method for interactive information visualization based on IIVM is presented. The Daisy toolkit is introduced, which includes Daisy model builder, Daisy IIV generator and runtime framework with Daisy library. Finally, an application example is given. Experimental results show that Daisy can provide a general solution for development for interactive information visualization.