Laboratory astrophysics is one of the youngest branches of astrophysics. Its name was coined about 30 years ago. It is successful because the physical laws we discover on Earth should work everywhere. We use laboratory experiments to expand our understanding of physical processes and then apply these results to the processes throughout the Universe. High energy density laboratory astrophysics (HEDLA) allows a depth study and comparison of the measurements produced by laboratory Z-pinches and lasers. In this paper, we review the recent progress in several fields of HEDLA, such as the supernova explosion, stellar jets, photoionized plasmas, stellar opacity and equation of state (EOS) and solar magnetic reconnection. In some cases laboratory experiments can reproduce similar physics. For example, the charged plasmas can be created in the laboratory to study the interactions among photons, electrons and ions that occur in the stars, the solar corona and the X-ray binaries. In other cases, we need some scales to study the processes behind the astrophysical phenomena by the experiments. For example, the evolution of a laboratory plasma jet, with typical spatial scales of a few mm and characteristic timescales of hundreds of ns, can be a scaled version of large-scale jets from young stars (typically thousands of astronomical units in length and evolving in timescales of many years). In order for this scaling to be valid, both the laboratory and astrophysical jets must have similar dimensionless parameters such as the Mach number, Reynolds number, and Peclet number. HEDLA is being paced by large experiments such as NIF, LMJ, and Shenguang lasers. New experimental techniques, improved simulations codes, and experimental diagnostics provide the ground-based testing which benefits our understanding of the Universe. The most powerful laser project is the National Ignition Facility (NIF), in which 196 laser beams deliver nearly 2 megajoules to a millimeter sized target, reproducing the plasma temperatures wi