盘形滚刀是全断面岩石掘进机中的重要组成部件,其失效将直接导致掘进效率迅速下降。在传统滚刀系统动态特性研究和滚刀结构基础上,设计了一种滑动轴承支撑的新型滚刀结构,采用滑动轴承进行径向回转支撑,刀体两侧对称安装两套推力滚子轴承以提高滚刀整体的强度和轴向刚度,进而以此新型滚刀结构为基础,建立了新型滚刀轴-侧向动力学理论模型。以17寸滚刀为例,与传统滚动轴承支撑的滚刀进行动态性能对比分析,动力学仿真结果表明:新型滚刀和传统滚刀的垂向最大位移分别为0.075 mm和0.217 mm,振动位移幅值降低了65.4%;侧向最大位移分别为0.010 7 mm和0.018 6 mm,振动位移幅值降低了42.3%。新型滚刀结构减振效果十分明显。
A disc cutter is a key component of a tunnel boring machine ( TBM), and its failure will result in the rap- and 0.217 mm, respectively; the amplitude of vibration displacements reduced by 65.4% ;the lateral maximum dis- placements were 0.010 7 mm and 0.018 6 mm, respectively; the amplitude of vibration displacement reduces bya 42.3% reduction. The damping effect of the new type of disc cutter is very obvious.