In the plant growth season June 2003 to October 2004, the transpiration of Arternisia ordosica and Caragana korshinskii were determined by non-weighing lysimeter cornered with bitumen felt, and by evapotranspiration from the plant's above-ground parts in four quadrats of a Soil Water Balance Experimental Plot at the Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment station. The transpirations were determined by lysimeters through unit integration and scale convertion before comparison and analyzis by ANOVA. The results from a LI-1600 stoma meter showed that the difference between species was significant (P〈0.05), but the difference between methods was not. Thus it is feasible to determine plant transpiration by non weighing lysimeter covered with bitumen felt in arid desert areas, and is successful from a leaf level scale to a plant population level based on effective canopy and leaf area index. The gross transpirations of plants in four quadrats were calculated from the results of non weighing lysimeter. The precipitation in 2003 was about twice (110.9 mm) of that in 2004, with the result that the growth of above-ground plant parts in 2003 was better than that in 2004 over the same time period. Drought not only decreases the amount of transpiration and evapo-transpiration, but increases precipitation loss by evaporation.