SDSS(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)对Stripe82有着1998--2004年的重复观测.从Bramich等人的SDSSStripe82源表(Light—Motion Curve Catalogue,LMCC)挑选出了多次观测过的29个宽线LINERs(low-ionization nuclear emissionlineregions),对这些源的光变进行了研究.经过与LMCC总样本中一般星系的测光结果进行的比较,交叉筛选得到4个可能具有光变的LINERs候选体,经过进一步证认有2个源(SDSSJ004828.80.001241.5和SDSSJ030203.53+005159.5)存在比较明显的光变.
The Stripe 82 has been repetitively observed by SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Sur- vey) from 1998 to 2004, providing the opportunities to investigate the light variations of ob- jects. In this work, the variable candidates of 29 broad-line LINERs (low-ionization nuclear emission line regions) in the Stripe 82 from the catalog LMCC (Light-Motion Curve Cata- logue) are selected. We calculate the dispersion of the luminosity of these LINERs and their control normal galaxies to pick up the LINERs with relatively large change as final candi- dates. Then the trend of the light curves of four final candidates is compared with that of the corresponding nearby normal galaxies of SDSS observations to test the results. It is found that there are two LINERs (SDSS J004828.80-001241.5 and SDSS J030203.53~005159.5) with relatively obvious light variations.