In this paper, the following subclass of H P^0(α)={f=h+g∈H:R{h′(z)-α}〉|g′(z)|,z∈D,g′(0)=0} is studied, where α ∈ [0, 1) and H is the class of all normalized sense preserving harmonic mappings defined in the unit disk D. Estimations of the convexity and starlike radii of p^0(α) are given, which improve the relative results in [8, 9]. A distortion theorem and a lower bound of |f(D)| for all f ∈P^0(α) are obtained. The upper bound of Pre-Schwarzian norms of functions in a subclass of SHU containing P^0(α) is estimated and the quasiconformality is discussed also.