The K band ground based hyperspectral microwave radiometer can be applied in the atmos-pheric sounding field, and it can improve the profile error and the vertical resolution of the moisture profilingfrom Earth' s surface to the atmospheric troposphere- For the purpose of reducing the fluctuations of the atmos-pheric mean radiant temperature in different frequencies and different elevation angles, an improved tippingcalibration method was proposed under hyperspectral microwave condition based on atmospheric profiles of Bei-jing in previous years and Liebe millimeter propagation model (MPM) (1993)- Compared with the traditionaltipping calibration, the proposed tipping calibration method can improve the prediction accuracy of the atmos-pheric mean radiant temperature based on the priori meteorological data in the current area- Analysis resultsshow that the impact of the atmospheric mean radiant temperature on calibration errors can be effectively re-duced with the improved tipping calibration method for the K-band ground-based hyperspectral microwave radi-ometer-