华南虎是世界上密切关注的旗舰物种,在过去的10 年间没有发现野生华南虎存在的证据,因此它是极度濒危的虎亚种。福建梅花山圈养华南虎群体是整个圈养华南虎群体的重要组成部分,拥有 12 只华南虎。基于组合长度为 3934 bp 的线粒体序列分析发现梅花山圈养华南虎拥有 3 种线粒体单倍型; 而基于 20 个微卫星位点基因型分析显示梅花山圈养华南虎一共有71 个等位基因,平均等位基因数是3. 55,等位基因丰度的平均值是3. 32,平均期望杂合度和多态信息含量( PIC) 分别为0. 513 和0. 445。这些提示梅花山华南虎圈养群体维持着较高的遗传多样性。
The South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) is a closely monitored flagship species. It is the most endangered tiger subspecies and no witness of wild South China tigers has been reported in the past 10 years. Twelve captive South China tigers are living in Fujian Meihuashan institute of South China tiger breeding. Three mtDNA haplotypes are found in the 12 tigers based on 3934 bp combined mitochondrial sequences. Moreover, 71 alleles existed in 20 microsatellites loci of the 12 tigers whose average allelic richness, average allele number, average expected heterozygosity, and average polymorphism information content is 3.55, 3.32, 0.513, and 0.445, respectively. These results show a high level of genetic diversity in the 12 tigers.