针对图书资料管理信息化的需要,在Microsoft.net平台上结合C#语言的特点和.net技术,构建单机模式下的Windows Form图书管理系统,以及在ASP.NET中使用C#构建B/S模式的Web Form平台。通过该系统的投入使用和正常运行,体现出C#.Net开发信息管理系统的强大优势,以及信息管理系统的优越性能。
The Skill was given with the purpose of data management, which combined the C# language characteristic in the Microsoft. net platform to the. net technology. Such skill was used to construct the single pattern Windows system and B/S pattern Web Form using C# in ASP. NET. Its great capability was made in the process of being use.