Counterfactual thinking refers to the mental representations of alternatives to past events. It plays an important role in changing behaviors and improving performance by converting information about past mistakes into plans for future actions. As an important cognitive strategy, counterfacmal thinking is used in behavioral interventions. The current study explores whether counterfactual thinking, which has a behavior-regnlating function, improves the behavioral intention of pedestrians. Four frequent unsafe behaviors of pedestrians were chosen as the experimental materials. A one-factor between-subjects study was designed. The participants were randomly divided into two groups, namely, the experimental (counterfactual priming) and the control (experience priming) groups. To match the sample from the experimental and control groups, we excluded the effect of individual differences and measured the baseline of all the participants based on factual thinking, that is, their intention to follow a traffic rule (rating on a 6-point Likert scale) and their reaction time in rating. Next, a modified sequential priming paradigm was applied to prime the counterfactual thinking (experimental condition) or past experience (control condition) of the participants. The participants were then asked about their intention to follow the traffic rule again. As dependent variables, both the behavioral intention and reaction time were recorded again. The results showed that the intention of all the participants to follow traffic rules was positive. A paired-sample t-test was conducted to test the differences in intention and reaction times between the baseline and the two treatments. The rating scores and reaction times in baseline and experimental conditions showed significant differences. Specifically, the behavioral intention of the experimental group was more pOsitive and their reaction time in rating was faster than those in the baseline. However, the rating scores in the baseline and control conditions showed