Pedological and stratigraphic observation indicated that GDZ profile was Holocene loess-palaesoil profile sequence. Magnetic susceptibility, loss-on-ignition, CaCO3 content and clay content analysis in the profile of loess-soil at Xingzhen identified the climatic change, which brought about by monsoon change. This change resulted in the alternation of dust accumulation and pedogenic period. The cinnamon soil developed during the Holocene Climatic Optimum that was dated to 8,500a B.P.-3,100a B.P. in China. It indicated that the climatic optimum, abundant precipita- tion and obvious eluviations on the top of Malan Loess (L1) and transitional loess (Lt). The analytical data indicated that increased climatic aridity at 1150 B.C. in China and these resulted in accumulated eolian loess. The recent loess buried the palae-soil and then people's cultivation on the top of recent loess impelled the form of Top Loess (Ts).