目的探讨山东省临沂市肺结核的空间聚集性分布规律。方法采用Ripley’sL(d)指数分析和核密度估计对山东省l临沂市2010年新登记的肺结核病例,进行空间点格局分析。分析软件为ArcGIS9.3、Crimestat3.3。结果Ripley’s L(d)指数分析显示临沂市肺结核病例聚集趋势明显,其最强聚集规模的半径为37.28km,最大聚集规模的半径大于58.25kin。核密度估计显示,肺结核病例在临沂市呈聚集分布,病例报告集中区域主要位于临沂市区,包括兰山区、罗庄区、河东区;其他病例报告集中区还包括郯城县、平邑县等县城周围的地区,报告病例的低密度区域主要位于蒙阴县、沂南县、平邑县和费县四县之间的地区。结论山东省临沂市2010年肺结核的病例存在聚集性,市区、县城为肺结核的发病“热点”区域。
Objective To explore the spatial clustering of tu- berculosis in Linyi City of Shandong Province. Methods The Ripley's L (d) L function analysis and kernel density estimation are used for analy- zing the spatial point pattern of the tuberculosis in Linyi City in 2010. Arc- GIS9.3 and Crimestat 3.3 are used for data management and analysis. Re- sults The Ripley's L(d) L function result showed that the location of tu- berculosis had a significant cluster tendency in Linyi city, the radius of the strongest cluster district was 37.28 kilometers, and that of the biggest clus- ter district was greater than 58.25 kilometers. The result by the kernel den- sity estimation presented that there was a cluster's distribution in Linyi Cit- y. The tuberculosis cases are mainly located in Linyi urban areas which in- clude Lanshan,Luozhuang and Hedong, and other areas are Tancheng and Pingyi county, reported cases of low-density areas mainly located in the are- as among Mengyin, Yinan, Pingyi and Fei County. Conclusion There is evidence of significant clustering of tuberculosis cases in 2010 in Linyi City of Shandong Province, and the urban areas were the "hot spot" areas.