作者采用多重种特异性PCR(multiplex species-specific PCR)技术,研究了巨蛎属(Crassostrea)牡蛎在辽宁沿海的分布。从辽宁沿海的共11个采样点共采集802个牡蛎样本,通过对COI基因的扩增,随机检测了其中的531个牡蛎样本,结果517个个体为长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas),14个为近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis),未发现其他巨蛎属牡蛎。结果表明,辽宁沿海有长牡蛎和近江牡蛎等2种巨蛎属牡蛎分布,其中长牡蛎为优势种,分布于潮间带和潮下带,近江牡蛎为稀有种,分布于潮下带,而且在黄海和渤海海域均有分布。
Classification and distribution of Crassostrea oysters in Liaoning province, China were studied using multiplex species-specific PCR. A total number of 802 individual oysters were randomly collected from 11 sites along Liaoning coast. Among them, 531 samples were subjected to a mitochondrial COl gene-based speciation analysis. Only two species were identified, in which Pacific oyster, C. gigas (517 samples) was the dominant species and distributed in both intertidal and subtidal zones, while Jingjiang oyster, C. ariakensis (14 samples) is less common and distributed only in the intertidal zone.