提出了一种新的可用于RoF(Radio over Fiber)系统的六倍频毫米波信号的产生方法,通过设置两级联MZM调制器各自的偏置状态,并联合控制它们之间的光载波时延以及驱动信号间的相位差,来产生六倍频毫米波信号。在毫米波信号模块产生的基础上,针对两种不同的数据加载方式,构建相应的下行传输链路,对光毫米波传输特性进行了理论分析和仿真验证。
We proposed a novel 10 to 60GHz frequency multiplication for radio-over-fiber systems. By setting the operation point of MZ-modulator, combining controlling the phase separation of the two driving RF signals and optical carrier delay between the two MZMs, six-fold microwave or millimeter wave signals were optically generated. Furthermore, basing the model of MMW generation, we built corresponding downlink transmission links for two different forms of modulation. For the transmission characteristics of separating side-bands design, this paper theoretically analyzed and validated by experiment.