The information preference of travelers under day-to-day route choice is dynamical, also, different travelers have different information preference on same traffic information. We set up day-to-day route choice experiment under different traffic information release method. The information preference factor is used to represent the weight of certain types of information in the formation of travel time forecasts under day-to-day route choice. We study the dynamics and distribution of travelers'information preference and then analyze the information preference changes under different traffic information release method. Dynamics of individual'information preference factor of perception time have three types: smooth-shock type, decline-shock type, ascend-shock type. The information preference factor of perception time increase at first and then gradually become relatively stable, but still fluctuating. The information preference factor of perception time obeys the normal distribution. Compared with condition only historical information provided, providing forecast information calculated by Exponential Smoothing at the same time can reduce information preference of perception time.