车载网作为智能交通系统(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)的一个主要组成部分,在提高行车安全、减少交通事故等方面具有十分重要的应用意义。在简要介绍ITS车载自组网络结构的基础上,分析ITS车载网的现状及其存在的安全隐患,探讨消除车载网安全隐患的应对策略,指出将认知无线电技术与ITS车载自组网技术相结合构成认知车载网,以有效解决在突发场景下高密度交通安全信息突发流的快速传播问题,并就相关问题进行了讨论。
Vehicular networks, which are the main parts of intelligent transportation system(ITS), play an important role in driving safety and reducing traffic accidents. Based on the architecture of vehicular ad hoc networks, the present status and hidden traffic dangers of the vehicular networks are analyzed, the strategy to deal with the hidden traffic dangers is investigated. It is pointed that the cognitive vehicular network, which combines the cognitive radio with the vehicular ad hoc network, would improve the rapid transmission of high density traffic safety information effectively. Finally, the key technologies of cognitive vehicular networks are discussed.