The scale of discontinuities not only affects the mechanical properties, but also affects the engineering function and stability of rock mass. Assumed discontinuities form of rock mass is thin disc, the diameter can be obtained according to the probabilistic model between trace length and diameter and the value of trace length d rock mass discontm' uities. Regarding creep rock mass zone B at Longtan hydropower station as a case and based on the n~umrement of discontinuities in monitoring ff tunnel in this zone, the software Dips is used to group the discon 'tmuifies and the methods of generalized H- H is applied to estin~es the size d trace length d each group. There are three pwbability mot~ bet~:en the trace length and the diaracter of discontinuities and according to the distribution characters of the sampling plane, a comprehensive model is ~Rhli~hed that is applicable to the project. ~ di~ d each group is calculated and is 3.80,3.29 and 1 .~ respectively,it shows that the scale discontinuities is smaller and the rock mass in this zone is stable.