设计了基于WebService技术的分布式电力营销管理信息系统软件体系结构,分析了电力营销管理业务的层次结构,提出将电力营销管理的各项业务分层封装成不同的Web Service,相互之间实现灵活调用;分析了电力营销管理信息系统与横向、纵向信息系统之间的联系,提出了采用Web Service技术通过横向集成和纵向集成实现电力营销管理信息系统与各相关子系统之间的无缝集成与应用整合;最后以一个电力营销信息系统实例给出了实现Web Service的部分代码。
A multilayer distributed structure based on web service is put forward. The layer structure of power marketing business is described, based on the layer structure. The paper deduces that every business can be encapsulated by web service and each of them can communicate easily. The connection between the power marketing management information system and other systems is analyzed, and then the use of web service is presented to realize the integration between this system and the related systems. In the end, with the real example of a power marketing management information system, the solution for web service and the corresponding codes are presented.