Simulations of landslide run-out can avoid the limit of experiment and instrumentation. It can observe the movement processes in detail. It is essential to the quantitative hazard assessment for landslide, for the simulation of landslide movement, the primary work is to establish a landslide model. Although the Particle Flow Code(PFC) is one of the most widely used program for landslide modeling, it is weak in the pre-processing of building the landslide model. This limits its application to landslide modeling. As for this, this paper illustrates the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of the Ball-Ball and Ball-Wall methods for model building. The way to determine the boundary of sliding mass and sliding bed is presented. It is based on the digital elevation map and the Brick filling method. It takes the earthquake-induced Red Rock Landslide as an example. Four steps are presented to build 2D & 3D landslide model with PFC. The four steps are obtaining topographic data, determining the boundary of both sliding mass and sliding bed, building the geometry of both sliding mass and sliding bed, filling the geometry with particles. By this way, the 2D and 3D landslide model can be easily and quickly built with PFC. The presented method will be helpful to the simulation of landslide movement with PFC.