皖南沿江平原位于长江中游的鄱阳湖平原和长江下游的太湖平原之间,是长江中、下游史前文化交流、传播与融合的重要通道。缪墩遗址(5060~4890cal.a BC)位于安徽省芜湖市繁昌县境内,是皖南沿江平原地区目前发现的年代最早的新石器时代遗址,本文利用淀粉粒分析方法对遗址出土的20件陶器残片表面残留物进行了分析,结果在陶器内壁表面提取到了丰富的古代植物淀粉粒,显微形态学鉴定表明这些古代淀粉粒主要来源于稻属(Oryza)、小麦族(Triticeae)、莲属(Nelumbo)、薏苡属(Coix)、栎属(Quercus)、菜豆族(tribe Phaseoleae)和芡实(Euryale ferox)等7种植物。各类淀粉粒的绝对数量与出现频率分析结果显示,虽然采集野生植物在当时仍是人们重要的植物性食物来源途径之一,但稻属植物的利用已在缪墩遗址先民的食物结构中占据了重要地位,这一结果表明,缪墩遗址应已出现了与长江中下游地区相同的稻作农业,且其农业发展水平可能与同时期的马家浜文化相当。与此同时,莲属、芡实等植物淀粉粒的大量发现,体现了皖南沿江平原地区滨水而居的先民对水生植物性食物资源的依赖和对环境适应的特点。研究结果为了解长江中、下游过渡地区新石器时代晚期前段先民植物性食物资源利用的特点及早期农业的发展过程等问题提供了可供参考的微观实验证据。
The plain along the Yangtze River in southern Anhui is an important cultural corridor which connects the Poyang Plain in middle Yangtze River and the Taihu Plain in the lower Yangtze River.Notably,different from plentiful paleoethnobotanic work conducted in above two regions,we know little about plant foods utilization,particularly agricultural development situations in this plain for the absence of paleoethnobotanic evidence.Miudun site (5060~4890cal.a BC),located in Fanchang County,Anhui Province,is the earliest archaeological site in the plain along the Yangtze River in southern Anhui.To investigate human's plant foods utilization in this area,20 pottery shards were selected from Miudun site for starch grain analysis.All pottery shards were sampled and processed in the Bio-archaeology laboratory,University of Science and Technology of China.Interior surfaces of pottery shards were rinsed by reverse osmosis water and water samples were remained as background samples.Then ultrasonic toothbrush was used to collect residue samples.More than 2972 starch grains were extracted from residue samples including 292 damaged granules.Based on their shapes,sizes and other surface features,these ancient starch grains can be divided into seven categories.Type I comes from Oryza sp. which contains compound and single (n=915) starch grains.Type II starch grains (n=605) are lenticular or spherical in shape with a wide size range (7.99~41.62μm),the morphologies of these granules are consistent with Triticeae tribe.Type Ⅲ(n=744) are characterized by open and eccentric hilum and predominated in prolate-ovoid form,these granules are possibly from Nelumbo. Type IV (n=271) are polyhedral with centric hilum,Z-shape distinct cross,transverse or T-shaped cracks,these diagnostic features are consistent with Coix.Type V (n=105) are characterized with tri-rounded corners oval and drip-shaped oval,Type VI (n=29) are kidney oval or tri-rounded corners shape with distinctive lamellae,and Type Ⅶ(n=11)