发挥新型城镇化在城乡协调发展中的引领作用,必须有序推进农业转移人口市民化;优化城镇化 布局,促进城镇体系协调发展;完善产业布局,强化新疆新型城镇化的产业支撑;加强城镇基础设施建设,提 高城镇综合承载能力;建立多元化城镇建设投融资等机制;体现新疆―体多元的民族文化特点等.
NThe paper contends that the migrant workers from rural areas to cities have to be inclined to townspeople, which will play an important role in the process of urbanization of China. The author states that this new type of urbanization in Xinjiang will perfect the city composition to promote the harmonious development between cities and rural areas.