This paper is to introduce our investigation results of the bacterioplankton distribution and the enrichment of sea-face microlayer, and physicochemical factors in different water layers by using our collected samples from different culture zones in winter Nan'ao Island, Guangdong (from Dec 2008 to Jan 2009) . The results of our investigation indicate that the distributions of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a (chl-a), the total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) reveal no signitlcant differences in different water layers of the various sampling sites (p 〉 0.05). In addition, the enrichment effect of ehl- a, TN and TP in the sea-face microlayer proves to be remarkable in the sampling sites except chl-a in the control zone. Of all the sam- pling sites, the amounts of heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio were the greatest in the fish culture zone which is followed by the shellfish cul- ture zone, with the lowest in Gracilaria lemaneiformis culture zone. Moreover, the amount of fecal coliform in the shellfish culture zone tends to be greatest, followed by the fish culture zone but the lowest in Gracilaria lemaneiformis culture zone. Besides, the amounts of the heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio were also the biggest in the sea-face microlayer with that maximal of heterotrophic bacteria, Vibrio, fecal coliform being 4.61×10^5 cfu/mL, 1.5 ×10^5 cfu/mL, 3 500 mL- l, respectively. The amount of fecal coliform in the shellfish culture zone was thus found much higher than the national water quality control standard. Furthermore, the distribution of fecal coliform proves to be influenced by the human activities. Since the sea-face microlayer may help to enrich the heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio, but help little with the enrichment of fecal coliform in all the sampling sites, the maximum enrichment factors of heterotrophic bacteria, Vibrio and fecal coliform in the microlayer can thus reach 60.0, 62.9 and 10.6, respectively.