三尖杉属(Cephalotaxus Sieb.&Zucc.)属名和三尖杉(CephalotazcusfortuneiHook.)种名名称在文献引证时存在混乱和错误。三尖杉属属名被引证为“CephalotaxusSieb.&Zucc.——Gen.P1.Suppl.2:27.1842.”和“CephalotaxusSieb.&Zucc.exEndl.——Gen.P1.Suppl.2:27.1842.”两种形式。而三尖杉的名称被引证为4种形式:①Cephalotaxus如rtuneiHook.;②CephagotaxusfortuniiHook.;③Cepha[otaxus fortuniHook.和④Ceph-alotaxusfortuneiHook.f.。为保持分类群名称的唯一性和稳定性,经原始文献考证,以及按照国际植物命名法规(ViennaCode,2006)的有关规定,确认三尖杉属属名和三尖杉种名名称的正确引证形式应分别是:“CephalotaxusSieb.&Zucc.——Fl.Jap.Ⅱ.66.1870.”和“CephalotaxusfortuneiHook.—Curtis’sBot.Mag.76:t.4499.1850.‘fortuni’”
The study of original literatures found that Cephalotaxus fortuni Hook. (1850) has been con- fusedly cited as C. fortunei Hook. ,C. fortunii Hook. ,C. fortunei Hook. f. or C. fortuni Hook.. Howev- er,according to Article 32.1,32.2,32.3,32.7,46.2,46.3,60.7,60. 11,60C. 1 (a),60C. 4 of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code,2006) ,the specific epithet fortuni should be corrected as fortunei, the author of the name C. fortunei should be aseripted to W. J. Hook. not to W. J. Hook. et J. Smith or Hook. f. (J. D. Hook. ), and C. fortuni Hook. should be rightly cited as Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook. (fortuni). Also, on the basises of Art. 32. 1,31. l(b), 34A. 1,41.2,45. 1,46. 2,46.3 of Vienna Code (2006) ,the name of Cephalotaxus should be cited as Cephalotaxus Sieb.& Zuce. -F1. Jap. 11. 66. 1870 rather than Cephalotaxus Sieb. Zuec. ex Endl.——Gem P1 Suppl 2:27 1842