Users value creation and platform value achievement are two core issues of the third-party crowdsourcing platform's business strategy. However, in the design of many third-party crowdsourcing platforms, users value creation has usually been overemphasized and platform value realization neglected, so that platforms couldn't realize gains. This paper firstly built value-creating ecologies frame- work of the third-party erowdsoureing platform, and analyzed the violently disruptive changes of functions and rules of platform partici- pants. Secondly, it studied value realization mechanism for the third-party crowdsourcing platfuml, namely that with the separation of users value creation and platform value achievement, the point of value realization has changed into new gains sources development based on existing users. Finally, from the perspective of portfolio recunstruction of services and users, value realization pathways for the third-party crowdsourcing platform were Oven. This paper also pointed out that mathematical model, quantitative deduction and empiri- cal examination of value realization mechanism would be possible directions in future research.