提出了一种亚角秒精度的转角测量方法。利用ZYGO数字干涉仪测量压电陶瓷转动平台驱动待测标准平面镜偏转前后镜子面形精度的PV(Peak Valley)值,二者的差值除以待测标准平面镜的直径,其结果近似等于压电陶瓷转动平台转动的角度。通过测量与误差分析,验证了压电陶瓷转动平台的转角精度小于1μrad(0.2^n),而测量的总误差和压电陶瓷转动平台移动的角度大小有关,移动距离越大,产生的误差越大,但其相对误差小于1%。本测量方法证明压电陶瓷精密转动平台转角精度达到了极紫外太阳望远镜(EUT)0.8"的角分辨率的要求。
A sub-arc second-accuracy method for measuring rotation-angle was proposed. The tiny rotation-angle of the PZT was obtained using the diameter of the reference flat mirror divide the difference between the PVs when PZT move and don't move. By measuring and analyzing, the rotation angle accuracy of the PZT is less than 1 μrad(0.2"). The total error changes with the rotation angle of the PZT, but its relative error was smaller than 1%. The result indicates that the measuring technique can meet the resolution of the EUT to 0.8".