Atmospheric HCFC-22 in urban Guangzhou was analyzed by the cryogenic pre-concentration-GC-MSD method, and its variation characteristics were compared to those of criteria air pollutants like SO2, NOx , PM10 and CO. The detected annual mean level of HCFC-22 was about 3 times of those in the global background observatories, implying strong local emission sources of HCFC-22 used as cooling agents in urban Guangzhou. The levels of HCFC-22 were much higher in summer and autumn than in winter and spring, mainly due to the seasonality of its emission. The levels of SO2, NO,, PM10 and CO, on the contrary, were higher in spring and winter than in autumn and summer, mainly due to the difference in dispersion conditions and monsoons in the region. HCFC-22 showed much larger diurnal variation in summer than in winter, but shared similar diurnal pattern, which was bimodal in summer and one-peaked in winter, as SO2, NO2 and PM10. One distinct HCFC-22 diurnal pattern was that it had unusually high levels in peak running hours of domestic air-conditioners (17:00 - 20: 00) during summer days.