采用自制的恒温厌氧发酵试验装置,研究了温度和原料配比对养鸡场废料(主要成分为鸡粪和稻壳)厌氧发酵产沼特性的影响,为提高沼气工程的厌氧发酵产沼效率提供参考。研究结果表明,在原来由鸡粪与稻壳构成的废料中,人工添加牛粪,可获得更好的产气效果;最佳工艺条件为发酵温度35℃,原料与牛粪的配比7:10,其原料产气率可达127 mL/g以上,折算成甲烷的原料产气率可高于60 mL/g。
The effects of temperature and material ratio on the biogas-yielding from anaerobic fermentation of chicken farm wastes composed mainly by chicken manure and rice husk were studied by using a self-designed fermentation device, in order to provide some important references for increasing fermentation efficiency of the practical biogas production.The results of experiment showed that the addition of cow hung to the waste of chicken farm could obviously improve biogas production.The optimum technological conditions were 35 ~C of temperature and the ratio of raw waste to cow hung of 7:10. At the optimum conditions,the total gas production-rate reached 127 mL/g and CH4 production-rate was over 60 mL/g.