At present, the software for detecting and analyzing ultrasonic guided wave are less, and mostly the serial ports are used to transmit data. The transmission speed is so slow, and the data are easily lost, when using serial ports to collect a large amount of data of ul trasonic guided waves, so realtime, accurate detection is impossible. A PC data acquisition and analysis software has been developed based on ultrasonic guided wave excitation and receiving apparatus, which can communicate with the instrument through the USB2.0 bus highly and in real time. Software uses standard API functions to manipulate the instrument through USB driver, can set the excitation frequency, sampling frequency, voltage and other parameters of instrument, and can scan frequency automatically or manually to select suitable excita tion frequency for ultrasonic guided waves. The software is used in frequency sweep test for guided waves, it can accurately select the appro priate excitation frequency, and the transmission rate is up to 63. 883Mbps/s, meeting highspeed, real time, and accurate data collection requirements; wavelet noise reductions, FFT, signal envelope and shorttime Fourier transform functions integrated into software can ef fectively improve guided waves signal to noise ratio, analysis frequency components of guided waves, and accurately extract wave packet spikes of guided waves.