Research progress achieved by Chinese scientists in conservation biology of endangered mammals ( e. g. carni- vores, primates, ungulates and cetaceans) from 2010- 2015 was reviewed. This research is mainly related to different branches of conservation biology, such as evolutionary biology, ecology, behavior, physiology, genetics, genomics and me- ta-genomics, as well as policy and practices. The remarkable research achievements have been made in conservation biolo- gy of endangered mammals in China, especially for giant pandas and golden monkeys. Evidence from muhidisciplinary re- search indicated that the giant panda is not an evolutionary cul-de-sac, and has remaining evolutionary potential. Although the panda is facing environmental problems such as habitat fragmentation, its population is growing and available habitat is expanding. It turned out that its Red List Category could be downlisted from "Endangered" to "Vulnerable". This makes giant panda conservation by Chinese Government a successful showcase of world biodiversity conservation. Based on this re- view, suggestions for future research priorities were also proposed, such as enhancing long-term monitoring and systemic re- search, reinforcing studies and applications of new theories, methods and technologies, integrating the micro- and macro- studies to reveal scientific questions mechanisms, investigating the molecular mechanisms of animals' adaptations to food, and to plateau and aquatic environments through the whole-genome scanning, and promoting applications of research a- chievements to enhance the effective conservation of endangered species.